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Eight rules for FAT LOSS

Fat loss is an area of nutrition that is riddled with complexity. This is only because there is so much misinformation in the health and fitness world, that people end up feeling paralysed with all the conflicting views. When it comes to fat loss, the basics work the best. 1. Unless you are very aware of your calorie intake (calories are king when it comes to weight loss) and how to manage sweet foods in your diet, these are best reduced as they are calorie dense. Fruit juice, fizzy drinks, cakes, sweets, desserts, are all foods that contain a lot of sugar and calories, not ideal for a weight loss goal. Ultimately calories are key so manage both for effective weight loss. If you want some sweet foods by all means have them, just be aware of their impact on your overall calorie intake. ⚖️

2. Diet is the key variable, don’t think that if you exercise tonnes that the weight will just fall off. While this could be the case short term, the body cannot keep up with high volumes and intensities of exercise on a low calorie intake and will burnout, become injured, over trained and lead to other issues. Moderation is key with your training. Do what you can in or out of the gym and otherwise just try and be active, move lots every day, walking, going up stairs, carrying things, being active over the course of a day is a super easy way to burn more energy and lose weight. While exercise is good, there is only so many calories you can burn in an hour of training, so consider your general daily activity, having targets like a step count.🚶‍♂️

3. Always identify possible blocking factors such as intolerances, poor gut health, low immune system, stress, and underlying health conditions. Otherwise you might be fighting a losing battle with even the best food, the best supplements and amazing training. These issues can hold you back, so do investigate issues you feel you have. But in saying that I bet if you started to get more sleep, reduced your sleep, ate well, did some moderate exercise a lot of symptoms you had would improve over time by taking an overall healthier approach to your body. 🤕

4. When losing weight, it’s important to eat ample protein and fibrous carbohydrates. These are the most filling foods you can eat when you are on a restricted calorie in- take, which becomes important in you being able to stick to your diet, banish cravings and stay on track. Junk foods are often low in fibre and nutrients - both essential factors to get right when losing weight. Junk food isn’t bad, we just want to limit it and focus on good whole foods to help us feel full and get nourished 🌽🍖

5. Don’t stress on meal timing, eat meals best suited to your lifestyle. 3 meals a day, 4 meals a day, 5 meals a day, they are all good approaches and will work, so find what is best for you ⏰

6. Don’t be scared of weight training when on a diet, weight training is your friend, as is high intensity training. Both protect muscle tissue and aid in metabolic adaptation. Ensure you keep some in or do some as you diet to keep metabolic rate as high as possible and to negate any muscle loss 🏋️‍♂️

7. Vegetables and fruit are the king of carbohydrate content. This goes for nutritional content and for keeping and getting lean. Our body needs tonnes of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and fruits and vegetables provide just that. Eat them at every meal if you can 🍅

8. It is worth repeating that calories are king. To effectively lose weight, we must eat less that we burn. You can use THIS calorie counter here to work out your required calorie intake 🧮

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Image by Olga Drach
Paul Evans Registered Nutritionist

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