It’s the weekend, and for many of us, that’s when things start to unravel. But it doesn’t have to be this way. If you’re tired of feeling like you need to ‘get back on track’ every Monday, this guide is for you. Let’s dive into how you can enjoy your weekend without derailing your progress.
Don’t Let a Few Drinks Turn into a Wasted Weekend
One of the biggest pitfalls is letting a few Saturday night drinks spiral into an entire weekend of poor choices. This often happens due to a lack of sleep, which messes with your hunger hormones—boosting ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and reducing leptin (the ‘I’m full’ hormone). It’s no wonder you’re craving high-calorie, salty foods the next day. That’s why a McDonald’s breakfast might seem like the perfect hangover cure, but it’s only adding to the damage.
Top Tips to Enjoy Alcohol Without Ruining Your Progress
Choose Lower-Calorie Alcoholic DrinksOpt for drinks that won’t load you up with unnecessary calories. Check out some healthier drink options on my Facebook page.
Hydrate Before, During, and After DrinkingInvest in hydration tablets and milk thistle to prevent a hangover and stay hydrated. Start hydrating before you start drinking to give your body a head start. Find more hydration tips on my Facebook page.
Eat a Balanced Meal Before You DrinkFuel your body with a decent meal before you start drinking. This will help stabilize your blood sugar and prevent overeating later on.
The Morning After: Eat Nutritiously and Get MovingWhen you wake up, have a balanced meal rich in protein, carbs, and a small amount of fat. And don’t just sit around feeling sorry for yourself—get up and move. Physical activity helps thin your blood, speeding up recovery and making you feel better faster.
The Perfect Post-Session Breakfast?
Eggs & Avocado on Toast with Porridge and a Vitamin C/Zinc Supplement
Why This Works:
Eggs: Rich in cysteine, an amino acid that helps produce glutathione—an antioxidant that alcohol depletes, leaving you feeling rubbish.
Avocado: Replenishes potassium, which gets drained by alcohol’s diuretic effects.
Whole Grain Toast/Porridge: Provides complex carbohydrates for a slow, steady release of energy, helping you avoid that mid-morning crash.
Vitamin C & Zinc: Support the oxidation of alcohol, helping your body process it more efficiently.
Struggling More with Overeating?
If your issue isn’t alcohol but overeating, be smart about your calorie intake. Reduce your food consumption the day before and after a big meal, and increase your activity levels. Remember, it really is as simple as calories in vs. calories out. For bonus points, check the menu ahead of time—planning is key.
Enjoy Your Night Without the Guilt
Follow these tips, enjoy your night out, and wake up feeling like you’ve got it all under control. Try these strategies and let me know how you get on!
Want More Tips?
For more free resources and personalised advice, email me at and follow my journey on Facebook.